29 January 2010


I watched the movie Motherhood tonight, and I kind of want to laugh.  I have been accused of saying this also but there is a line in the movie about how we just don't talk about the after effects of motherhood.  Such as the depressions, the incontinence, the anger,  the desperation.    Well at one point I would've agreed moms didn't talk about it, now I am of the feeling that is all we talk about.   

I am not sure when, but there was a point when I just had enough of birth stories and sleepless nights sogas.  And the fact some women including myself ( lord knows) just can't get it right.  No mother is perfect and if they say they are, well we know differently, don't we ladies.  I can't even get dinner on the table for gosh sake.  Don't know what it is but it is a task I just can't get the swing of. 

I had issues with the movie in that she (Uma) saved all the shopping and what not till the day of the party.  Who does this?  At that point as a mother you are begging for anything and everything to go wrong.   Especially if you live in a 6 floor walk up.  If you haven't seen the movie.  Please watch it.  Because even as mothers we all have something important to say.   

Just look at the sheer amount of moms blogging,  I personally do not have any followers.  Well Steve follows but not sure he actually reads anything I write.  But the fact that I write is therapeutic from being at home all day without any real adult interaction (except for a minute or two at school pick up times).  

I am still finding my voice.  

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