05 August 2010

Mom, do I have to get a shot?

Nope no shots today, buddy.

Wait back up did I just say that?  Heck I didn't know what the doctor was going to do. Yep Mom of year goes to, wait for it,  NOT ME!

It is that time of year, kids need physicals, school paper work needs to be filled out and turned in.  Okay so I had this paper work for the last year and put it off till the last possible moment.

Everything is going great and then I get the question "Is there anything else?" What is it with me today, all of a sudden I am yeah, Greyson needs to be checked for allergies, and migraines and bed wetting ( I so didn't mention this here). The doctor says we can draw blood... wait.....

Okay yea Greyson didn't hear that, we are good.  Off goes the doctor.

Then the nurse comes back and says that Parker needs a TB test.  Crap, there goes my no shots today, buddy statement.

So of course Parker freaks, but it is manageable and he gets over it quickly. Thank goodness, since I know what is going to happen next.

We leave the office and go down to the lab.  Greyson asks me whats up.  Um we need to get a urine test and something else.  He is all, I don't want a shot.  Oh, your not getting a shot.  Greyson doesn't believe me.  Why should he I already blew it with Parker.

Parker is standing in front of Greyson and is all "I'll protect you from Mom." Yep they love each when it really counts.

So while we are waiting and the kids are sucking on lollies, Parker decides he needs to lick me because I lied to him.  I warn him if he does so I will lick him back.  (Seriously I am their role model people).  This does not stop him however and he licks me on the arm.  I immediately, with people watching, give him a giant lick on the face.  Yep we are oh so hygienic, waiting in the lab work office.

Greyson and Parker think this is SO funny (Greyson threatens to lick me with grape flavor) and Parker decides to lick me again.  I laugh because his aim was WAY off and he basically licked my arm pit.  How did it taste buddy?  Bet you aren't going to do that again, are you?

We get in the lab and Greyson sees needles.  DRAT, I am all look at me, focus on me, geez that didn't work.  So the nurse has him sit on my lap.  I wrap my arms around him.  He is screaming bloody murder,  and they haven't even touched him yet.  It takes 2 nurses, possibly 3, I closed my eyes for a bit.

Meanwhile Parker is waiting outside and Greyson is doing a high pitched scream in this guys ear.   Pretty sure the entire building heard it.  He starts to calm down and then he looks down to the vile with blood in it.

He screams "I'M DYING!"  Tears and snot running down his face.

And again my response.  This is so getting me the Mom of the Year award.  "See I told you, you weren't getting a shot.  This is so much worse."

Victory laps are being run, right now, for my awesome parenting skills.

Then to top it off, he still needed to pee in a cup.  One armed pee job (because it was all hurty), into a cup.  Um yeah,  next time lets do this first.

As a reward for their awesome behavior at the doctors office and lab, I got them chocolate oreo shakes.

That totally makes up for lying right?

xxoo Jenny

04 August 2010

Puppets Anyone?

At the end of the school year, Mrs. Burguan gave me 2 pieces of poster board.  The kind that you would use for a science project.   I  decided that I would make a puppet theater for the boys with one of them.  Here is my attempt at homemade fun with materials found around the house.

Step 1: Poster board
Step2: Cut out Window
Step 3: Cut and paint shelf
Step 4: Paint outside of Theater
Step 5: Install Shelf and set upright.  Done.
Now use your imagination and do what comes natural.  PLAY!  Videos for some reason would not post so I will add them later.  

xxoo Jenny

03 August 2010

Ode to Parker

Oh, Parker my second born,
you are so clever,
I am completely torn,
I will always love you forever.

However could I beg of you,
to let your brother be,
it makes me so blue,
when you fight and disagree.

And on another note,
how is it you are so cute,
even when you correct my misquote,
You, my boy are a hoot! 

xxoo MOM

02 August 2010

Food in the House of Dalberg

This will be all about FOOD!!  All the awesomeness that is Steve, really.  So if you are hungry,  


I am pretty sure no words were needed for this except for MMMMMMMM, GOOD!

xxoo Jenny

Last Days of School 2009-2010

There is so much to do in the last days of school.  Carnival, Country Fair for the 3rd graders, BBQ for the Kindergarteners, Field Day, Volunteer Appreciation Tea, plus help the teachers close up for the year (yeah this was new to me, also), plus oh so much more.  
Working on his final project of 3rd grade.
Greyson's scene from Charlotte's Web.  He got 100%.
Parker at field day.  Filling up cup with water, running to other bucket and dumping.

Same as above but this time with sponge.  
As far as my numbers added up I volunteered at school a total of 150+ hours.  Wow.  Lets see if I can beat that this next year.  Lord knows they need the help.  

Wonder if I can use this for blackmail next year.  (Mrs. Holmes, Miss Cuellar, and Mrs. Dominguez- the 3rd grade teachers)
Miss Cuellar hula hooping.  Greyson's teacher was awesome this year.  Hope we get another cool one in September.  
So apparently I forgot my camera a lot this year.  But no worries now I have the iphone 4 and will be taking lots of photos and video for the 2010-2011 school year. 

xxoo Jenny

Legoland Adventures

How is it that I blink and it is months later and I have not written a dang thing.  It is not like I have been sitting on my butt or anything.  Ok you caught me I so have been.  Facebook is an addictive drug.  So the next few postings will be a recap of late May to well now.  (Lets hope I don't forget to blog again.)

At the end of May we took the day off of school and went to Legoland with Greyson's friend David.  Carla had free passes for us. Yea!  So we drove down.  It is way close, only an hour long trip
The obligatory front of Legoland picture.  Come on you know you all do it.

Eyes on the road dude.  I am so never letting him drive my car.
Parker in his blue lego racer.

Look the boys are GIANTS in San Fran!

It is always important to make sure there is no one spying on you when you are going #2. This poor guy didn't even know there were GIANTS, let alone GIANTS with sick potty humor.  Beware Lego people we do exist.

This was also the trip that MESSED up my lower back, but thanks to Phyiscal Therapy I am back on track and recovering.   More later. 

xxoo Jenny